Archives for Training Tips

Kids Love to Workout!

Many people believe that kids don’t like to workout or that they are easily intimidated by the bar. That could not be further from the truth from my experience. When I was a kid all I ever wanted for Christmas were weights, a bench and whatever the latest ab mechanism was. I wasn’t allowed to play any of the sports I loved (Hockey, Football) because of medical reasons. I needed something Push myself at and show myself that what I am capable of. I have been on a mission to introduce kids to weights and help show them what they are capable of too.
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“When Life Gets Heavy, Start Lifting!”

We are all going through a tough time right now. Life isn’t exactly what it’s usually like. Everything has been put on hold, we have all been asked to stay away from each other, and there is nothing but uncertainty in front of us. We have been given a challenge. We’ve been presented with a brick wall. The question is are we going to stand there and just stare at it, or do we have it in ourselves to put our heads down like bulls and knock that wall over?! A large portion of this is completely out of our hands. It’s up to the medical world to do what, from my personal experience, I fully trust it will do and that’s get this whole mess under control, and allow us to go back to a normal way of living. That’s their job so what is ours? Ours is to stay calm, keep ourselves and those around us strong so we can fight through this mess together. You just never know. We could come out of this as way stronger people then we were in the beginning!
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Tough Times are Work Out Times!

When people hit bumps in life, one of the first things they drop is fitness, and overall well being. But what if fitness was the tool to help you get through your rough times, was exactly what you needed, and even could help you get to another level of happiness once everything is back under control?
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Family First

I had a father, mother, and their ten year old daughter start with me in the gym a couple of weeks ago. They have committed to living a healthy and active lifestyle, and to doing it together.
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Date with Diversity

I am honoured to have been invited to speak again at the Ottawa Carleton District School Board "Date with Diversity: Journeying from Diversity to Equity" on May 14th, 2019 at Canterbury High School. Here is my bio that I provided them along with a sneak peek of what I'll be talking about.
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